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About Men's Ministry

The "Men of Grace & Granite" Fall Men's Retreat (November 15-16)


As men, we are called to do and be a lot of things. The world has expectations, and we can struggle to remember who we are in Him, first and foremost. Our "Men of Grace & Granite" weekend retreat, will help us recalibrate our hearts on who we are before God, and fix our gaze on His grace that sustains us in all of life. So that, we will be strengthened to persevere in loving God, killing sin, delighting in His Word, loving the church, the world, and our families, for His glory.   

It'll be a fantastic time in a beautiful place - Wolf Mountain Camp. The cost includes lunch and dinner Friday night, and breakfast and lunch Saturday (you'll be home by Saturday afternoon). Men from our church will do the teaching - below are the message themes. And while we'll have a bit of fun, it'll be a time to dig deep into God's Word, pray for one another, spend time in small groups for application, and building into one another's lives. See more info below, and sign up today!

Theme: Men of Grace & Granite
Cost: TBD
Age: 18 and older
Contact: Robin Haller (





GCBC Ministry to Men Purpose Statement

Uniting men together for mutual discipleship, encouragement and friendship, while leading and serving together in the local Body of Christ and the greater Kingdom of God to support our families, lead our church and provide a light in our community. 

If you'd like to get more information about getting involved in Ministry to Men at GCBC, please contact Corey Millican at